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Tech Reports
100: Tissue Train® Culture System. A Method for Culture and Mechanical Loading of Cells in a Linear 3D Matrix
Tech Reports
101: Loading Stations™. Quantification of Strain on the Membrane Surface
Tech Reports
102: UniFlex® Culture System. A Method to Apply Uniaxial Mechanical Loading to Monolayer Cell Cultures
Tech Reports
103: StageFlexer® Tech Report
Tech Reports
104: Trapezoidal Trough Loader™. A Device for Fabricating 3-Dimensional Bioartificial Tissue Constructs
Tech Reports
105: Culturing Cells on Culture Slips
Tech Reports
106: Matrix Bonded Growth Surfaces. Growing Cells in a More Natural Matrix Environment
Tech Reports
107: ScanFlex™ with XyFlex™. An Automated Method to Measure Gel Compaction in Three Dimensional Bioartificial Tissues
Tech Reports
108: 24-Well HT BioFlex® Culture Plates. Cell growth on silicone membranes compared to standard plastic culture plates
Tech Reports
109: Using Additional FlexLinks®
Product Brochures
110: Tension Baseplate Assembly
Tech Reports
111: Sample Preparation and Setup of BioPress™ Culture Plates and Compression Baseplate Assembly
Product Information Sheets
112: Cell Seeder™. Cell growth in 24-well Flexcell® culture plates using Cell Seeders™
Tech Reports
113: Tissue Train® Anchor Options. Comparison between the non-woven nylon and the urethane polyester foam anchors.
Tech Reports
114: Collagel® and ThermaCol®. Collagen I Hydrogel Kits for 3D Cell Culture.
Tech Reports
115: Single Baseplate Assembly Tech Report
Tech Reports
116: Inverted StageFlexer Tech Report
Tech Reports
118: CellSoft Soft Substrates Tech Report
Tech Reports
200: Use of Water Trap and Drying Filters Tech Report
Tech Reports
201: Baseplate and Gasket. Cleaning and Disinfecting
Tech Reports
202: Viewing Cells on Flexcell®'s Culture Plates. Light and Electron Microscope Techniques and Immunofluorescent Imaging
Tech Reports
203: Application of Lubricant to Loading Stations™ and Cleaning
Tech Reports
204: Converting Sample Pressures to Forces
Tech Reports
207: Methods for Immunochemical Staining of Cells in Three Dimensional Bioartificial Tissues (BATS)
Tech Reports
208: Dual Baseplate Configuration Tech Report
Product Information Sheets
24-Well Loading Stations™
Product Information Sheets
Arctangle® Loading Stations™
Product Brochures
Baseplate Kits
Product Information Sheets
BioFlex® Culture Plates
Product Brochures
BioPress Culture Plates - Catalog
Product Brochures
BioPress™ Culture Plates
Product Information Sheets
CellSoft® 100mm round dish
Product Information Sheets
CellSoft® 6 well BioFlex® culture plate
Product Information Sheets
CellSoft® 6 well Polystyrene culture plate
Product Brochures
CellSoft® Soft Substrate Cultureware
Product Information Sheets
Circular Foam Tissue Train® Culture Plates
Product Information Sheets
Collagel® Kit
Product Brochures
Collagel® and Thermacol®
User Manuals
Compressed Air Source Connection Manual
Product Brochures
Compression System
User Manuals
Culture Plate & Loading Station™ User Manual
Product Information Sheets
Culture Slips®
Product Information Sheets
Drying Filter
Product Information Sheets
Equibiaxial Loading Stations™
Product Brochures
Specifications Sheets & Sole Source Statements
FX-5000™ Compression System
Specifications Sheets & Sole Source Statements
FX-5000™ Tension System
Specifications Sheets & Sole Source Statements
FX-6000™ Tension System
Specifications Sheets & Sole Source Statements
Flex Jr.™ Tension System
User Manuals
FlexFlow™ Manual
Product Information Sheets
User Manuals
Flexcell® FX-5000™ Compression System
User Manuals
Flexcell® FX-5000™ Tension System
User Manuals
Flexcell® FX-6000™ Tension System
User Manuals
Flexcell® Flex Jr.™ Tension System
User Manuals
Flexcell® Tissue Train® Culture System
Product Information Sheets
Flexcell® Transwell Holder
Product Brochures
Fluid Shear Systems
Product Information Sheets
HT BioFlex® Culture Plates
Other Reports
HT BioFlex® Plate & Flexcell® FX-4000™ Tension System: Specifications, Instructions for Updating .ini File, and Conversion Chart
Other Reports
HT BioFlex® Plate & Flexcell® FX-5000™ Tension System: Specifications, Instructions for Updating .ini File, and Conversion Chart
Product Information Sheets
HT Cell Seeders™
User Manuals
HT Cell Seeder™ User Manual
Other Reports
Instructions for Updating a FX-4000™ Tension System .ini File with the Tissue Train Circular Foam Baseplate Configuration (serial numbers from 30016095 and lower)
Other Reports
Instructions for Updating a FX-4000™ Tension System .ini File with the Tissue Train Circular Foam Baseplate Configuration (serial numbers from 30016096 to 30016348)
Other Reports
Instructions for Updating a FX-4000™ Tension System .ini File with the Tissue Train Circular Foam Baseplate Configuration (serial numbers from 30016349 and higher)
Other Reports
Instructions for Updating a FX-5000™ Tension System .ini File with the Tissue Train Circular Foam Baseplate Configuration
User Manuals
Leybold Trivac B Vacuum Pump Manual
Product Information Sheets
Linear Tissue Train® Culture Plates
Product Brochures
Microscopy Devices
User Manuals
Osci-Flow® Flow Controller User Manual
User Manuals
ScanFlex™ Automated Scanning Device Instruction Manual
User Manuals
StageFlexer® Jr. User Manual
Product Information Sheets
StageFlexer® Membranes
User Manuals
StageFlexer® User Manual
Product Information Sheets
StagePresser™ Membranes
User Manuals
StagePresser™ User Manual
User Manuals
Streamer® System STR-4000 User Manual
Product Brochures
Tension System
Product Information Sheets
Thermacol® Kit
Tech Reports
Tissue Train® Culture System
Product Information Sheets
Trapezoidal Tissue Train® Culture Plates
Product Information Sheets
Trough Loaders™
Product Information Sheets
UniFlex® Culture Plates
User Manuals
Vacuum Source Connection Manual
Product Information Sheets
Water Traps
User Manuals
XyFlex™ Area Measurement Software Instruction Manual
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