
FX-6000™ FlexLink® Controller

System Add-on
Equibiaxial Strain, Uniaxial Strain
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Product Description:

The FX-6000™ Tension FlexLink® is a controller unit that links the culture plate baseplate to the FlexSoft® software of the system. The FX-6000™ Tension System can use up to four additional Tension FlexLink® controllers per system, which allows users to run different multiple regimens simultaneously.

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Product Features:
  • Each FX-6000™ Tension FlexLink® can run up to two Baseplates
  • Allows users to apply either uniaxial or equibiaxial load depending on Baseplate setup
  • Allows users to use 2D monolayer or 3D cell culture depending on Baseplate setup

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