
CellSoft® 100mm Round Dishes Untreated

CSoft100mm-U (40kPa)
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Product Description:

CellSoft® 100mm round dishes were developed for researchers to grow their cell lines on soft substrates that mimic in vivo tissue stiffness before passaging to avoid cell shock. The untreated culture plates are sterilized and ready for users to apply their own preferred custom coatings. Our 40 kPa substrate stiffness matches the native tissues of retinal and ocular cell lines.

Available Order Quantities:
Pack of 5
Product Features:
  • Moduli stiffness ranges from 1.0 - 60 kPa.
  • CellSoft® is available in 100 mm diameter round dishes, pre-coated in a specially formulated silicone elastomer soft substrate.
  • Available with covalently bonded Collagen (Type I) protein matrix or Untreated, pre-sterilized, individually packaged ready to use.

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